Tuesday, April 10, 2018

My Mother

So it's Friday.  It's time to strip your beds & flip your mattress' 
Every member of the family has chores. 

So it's Saturday.  Its time to clean.  Every member of the family has chores.  The harder the chore, the older the child.  .
Weekly Saturday Chores:
Wash windows* & blinds
Wash curtains & shades

Wash floors, beat rugs, & sweep steps
Dust anything & everything*
Empty 'Spit-toons' & 'ash-trays'
+ + +
So it's Sunday.
Time for the 'White Glove' inspection
Time for the punishments to be administered...on Monday.
So it's Monday.
You failed inspection - punishments are harsh.

Coiled up vaccuum cleaner wire makes a beast of a whippin' postCans inside socks whirled in the air make a killin' machine
Like the time my Mother took a can of peas into her stockings, right in the store & swung it hitting my eat, blakin' my eye too.

Did you care that I had earaches after that incident?  Why did you deny me medical care?
As I aged I got to be the 1 hangin' out the window cleanin' your window.
WHY?  Why did you think your kids lives was worth less than view?  Did you care for the same child that fell out of the window doing your bidding?
You had no choice when I was splattered on the concrete 3 floors down.  You HAD to let the ambulance scrape me off the sidewalk.

When test results from the school comes back that I'm deaf, do you, 💗 my masochist mother extending a hand to me?  NO!  NO you dont love me.  You love your man of the year.   Tell me how many men HAVE YOU BEEN WITH MOTHER!?  .

Sunday, September 20, 2015

I see a few page views, which is endearing.  But I don't see any engagement.  Any - YES!  That's you.

I'm going to attempt, to post every other day on here.  This will be a challenge for me, but I am tasking myself to it.  Just as I am tasking myself to get more young people involved in this next Presidential campaign.  I'm also targeting the seniors who have given up voting, I'm targeting you too!

Get involved with YOUR neighborhood, town, & city by at least knowing what the major problems facing it is, also what is it's greatest asset.  Get to know it's politicians.  'Cause like it or not, it's the politicians that decide how the wealth (via taxes) is distributed.

Now with that being said, HOW MANY OF YOU ARE GOING TO VOTE IN THE NEXT PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION  (* & 4 bonus pts if U say Y!)  ?

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Let’s talk about Politics
& Bernie Sanders

Yep, let’s talk politics.  If you were like me, you didn’t know a whole lot about who the current candidates. Who is running for President? What are their ideas? .  Who is to replace our current President in 2016?

Again, like me, maybe you don’t understand some terms or abv.  (abbreviations), or what basic politics is about.  Like what are parties?  What are ‘the issues’ that need to be handled?  What is an “issue” anyways ?  Yes - I want to be here for you who want to understand the basic stuff.
This country needs you!  This country & all it’s people need YOU, yes YOU, the “little people”, the average everyday citizen to come together & stand together & say “ENOUGH IS ENOUGH”  Yes, enough is enough & we’re not going to take it anymore.  We want a better America for us ourselves, for our families & friends, for everyone.

It is my opinion that Bernie Sanders holds the key for the citizens of these United States.  If you like another candidate running for President, we can chat about it here.  We can chat about anything to do with politics you want.  No judgement made on you if you have questions because you don’t understand something.  Come chat, we’ll get you understanding things quickly.  

*Please note, that this will NOT be a place for degrading behavior.  We need to adopt a civil behavior when responding to others here.  Opposing views are fine, but let it be known that a general mean or disrespectful behavior towards others will not be tolerated.